
This document describes changes between each past release. For information about future releases, check milestones [1] and Vision.

1.0 (unreleased)

  • Drop support of Django < 1.8 Explicitly mark Django 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 as not supported (tests fail with those versions) in packaging.
  • Add support of Django 1.8 and Django 1.9.
  • Breaking: django_docusign.api package is no longer imported in django_docusign root package. Instead of doing import django_docusign, just do: from django_docusign import api as django_docusign.
  • Add support of python3.
  • Feature #56 - Added authentication via OAuth2 and acting on behalf of other users.
  • Feature #66 - Added support for passing arbitrary parameters to pydocusign.

0.12 (2015-09-10)

  • Support Django 1.7
  • Support Tox 2

0.11 (2015-03-16)

Refactoring related to pydocusign version 0.13.

  • Refactoring #37 - Project repository moved to novafloss organization (was novapost).
  • Refactoring #38 - Upgraded to pydocusign 0.13. Refactored handling of routingOrder and Envelope.post_recipient_view.

0.10 (2015-02-04)

Features around settings.

  • Bug #30 - Handle DocuSign callbacks that have no “decline reason” attribute (was raising errors in such a situation).

0.8 (2014-11-28)

Introducing DocuSign templates.

  • Feature #28 - Introduced support for DocuSign templates to create envelopes. To run the tests, you’ll need a new PYDOCUSIGN_TEST_TEMPLATE_ID environment variable: DocuSign’s UUID of a template which has 2 roles.

0.7 (2014-10-22)

Bugfixes & refactoring, mostly around SignatureCallbackView.

  • Bug #20 - In SignatureCallbackView:
    • update_signature is not triggered if signature is not updated, when a signer, not the last, has just signed the envelope.
    • update_signer is triggered for every signer when signature and signers have “Sent” status (signature has just been created in embedded mode).
  • Features #16 and #20 - In demo application, SignatureCallbackView is tested using pydocusign‘s templates.
  • Bug #17 - In demo application, added tests around settings view... and fixed it, so that it works as expected.
  • Bug #18 - In demo application, replaced using instead of list(iterator)[0].
  • Refactoring #19 - Removed deprecaded SignatureCallbackView.clean_status. Use pydocusign.DocuSignCallbackParser.envelope_status instead.

0.6 (2014-10-10)

Custom email subject and blurb.

  • Feature #10 - DocuSignBackend.create_signature accepts subject and blurb arguments, in order to customize email subject and body for DocuSign messages and embedded signing page.

0.5 (2014-10-08)

Improvements around multiple signers.

  • Feature #13 - DocuSignCallbackView also handles recipient notifications.
  • Feature #11 - Improved ordering of signers, better management of DocuSign’s routingOrder.
  • Feature #12 - Demo project shows how to implement signature of multiple signers.
  • Bugfix #9 - Fixed default value of signer_return_url in DocuSignBackend.post_recipient_view(). Default value was not assigned if value was not passed as argument.

0.4 (2014-09-26)

  • Feature #7 - Introduced django_docusign.SignatureCallbackView, as a generic view to handle DocuSign’s notification callbacks. Simplified demo’s code.

0.3 (2014-09-18)

Updated demo to manage DocuSign API callbacks.

  • Feature #1 - Introduced support for DocuSign API callbacks (envelope updates). At the moment, the feature is mostly made of sample code in the demo project. It shows how django-docusign can be used to handle DocuSign’s API callbacks. The idea is to let users try the feature then, later, add most useful parts in django_docusign package.

0.2 (2014-09-16)

Introduced demo application (with tests).

  • Feature #4 - Introduced demo application: illustrate and test API usage.
  • Feature #3 - On signature creation, tabs can be computed by backend.

0.1 (2014-08-12)

Initial release.

  • Introduced django_docusign.backend.DocuSignBackend with “create signature” and “post recipient view” features.

Notes & references
